02/2025: Dr. Na has been officially recognized as a CMMI Panel Fellow by NSF CMMI for their commitment to deliberative democracy in panel reviews.
01/2025: Muhammad Zaheer Sajid and Zahra Sobhani (Ph.D. students) have joined our research group. Welcome!
12/2024: Dr. Na has received funding from the Jungseok Logistics Foundation (JLF) for a research grant focusing on Integrated Deep Reinforcement Learning and Large-Scale Optimization for Enhancing Last-Mile Logistics with Future Mobility Technologies.
11/2024: Michael Geisecke (Ph.D. student) has joined our research group. Welcome!
10/2024: Shivam's research presentation "Post-Disaster Damage Assessment from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery using D-LinkNet with Hierarchical Transformer Difference Blocks " has been accepted by the 2025 NHERI Computational Symposium. Congratulations Shivam Shrivastava on receiving the travel fund from DesignSafe at UT Austin and the NHERI SimCenter at UC Berkeley through support from the National Science Foundation (NSF)!
09/2024: Dr. Na has received the Bloss Faculty Enhancement Grant from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Missouri. The funds for this grant come from an endowment that an alumnus of the ISE Department – Bob Bloss – explicitly created to support early-career ISE Faculty in establishing their research careers.
09/2024: Dr. Na has received funding from the Department of Homeland Security for a research grant focusing on Enhancing AIT-based Passenger Screening Processes and Security Through Integrated Stochastic Optimization and Artificial Intelligence Strategies.
08/2024: Caden Davis joined our research group. Welcome aboard!
07/2024: Dr. Na has been selected to receive an NSF Travel Award for the 2024 NSF Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) RAPID Workshop at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA.
06/2024: Dr. Na has been selected to join the NSF C-GCA Panel Fellow Cohort for CMMI's Game Changer Academies (C-GCA) for Advancing Research Innovation.
06/2024: Dr. Na has received funding from the Texas 9-1-1 Alliance for a research grant focusing on the Texas 9-1-1 Funding Analysis and Public Opinion Survey.
05/2024: Shivam Shrivastava (Ph.D. student) has joined our research group. Welcome!
05/2024: Dr. Na chaired the Humanitarian Logistics 1 session within the Logistics & Supply Chain (LSC) Track and delivered an invited presentation titled "Collaborative Truck-and-Drones Delivery for Humanitarian Relief Logistics" at the 2024 IISE Annual Conference.
04/2024: Dr. Na has been selected to receive an NSF Travel Award for the 2024 NSF Operations and Systems Engineering Extreme Events Research (OSEER) Workshop: Operations Engineering for Hazard and Disaster Mitigation.
03/2024: Dr. Na has received funding from the Mizzou College of Engineering for a seed grant focusing on Data-driven Disruptive Event Modeling to Improve Operational Resilience in Modernized and Decarbonized Smart Grids.
03/2024: Dr. Na has received funding from the Mizzou College of Engineering for a seed grant focusing on Cyber-Physical Security AI-based Smart Grid Management.
03/2024: Dr. Na has been accepted into the Learning and Expanding Abilities for Professoriate (LEAP) Cohort Fellows Program for Early-Career Faculty at Mizzou.
03/2024: Dr. Na has been selected as the board director member for the IISE Data Analytics and Information Systems (DAIS) Division, which is primarily interested in the theory, methodology, and practice in all technical areas that develop or apply to data analytics and information systems.
02/2024: The Mizzou Provost Office has awarded $85,000 to the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. The overall goal is to support an integrated approach to upgrading the technology platform for almost half of the Industrial and Systems Engineering undergraduate curriculum. This project is led by Dr. James Noble who is a professor and chair of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Dr. Na is serving as one of the Co-PIs.
01/2024: Dr. Na has been invited as a speaker by the Graduate Research Seminar on Operations Research and Data Analytics in the Department of Supply Chain and Analytics at the University of Missouri at St. Louis to present his recent research on large-scale stochastic optimization for emergency management planning.
12/2023: Martin Cueto joined our research group. Welcome aboard!
11/2023: Dr. Na's paper "Relocation and Social Support during Large-Scale Evacuations" has been accepted by Natural Hazards Review. 🌐
10/2023: Dr. Na organized a session "TB75: Emerging Topics for Electric Vehicles" and gave an invited presentation "Stochastic Evacuation Route Planning for Electric Vehicles" at the 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting.
10/2023: Younggyu's paper "The Production Scheduling Problem Employing Non-Identical Parallel Machines with Due Dates Considering Carbon Emissions and Multiple Types of Energy Sources" has been accepted by Expert Systems with Applications. Congratulations! 🌐
09/2023: Dr. Na has received a research grant from the Mizzou Research Council [Article: Fostering faculty inquiry and creativity].
09/2023: Justin Cypress and Karolina Rapacz joined our research group as undergraduate researchers. Welcome!
08/2023: Dr. Na created the SSRS (Smart, Sustainable, and Resilient Systems) Laboratory in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Missouri.
08/2023: Dr. Na joined the University of Missouri as a tenure-track assistant professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering [Article: New faculty share why they chose Mizzou].
07/2023: Dr. Na has been selected to receive an NSF Travel Award for the 2023 Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Workshop for Early-Career Faculty.
06/2023: Dr. Na has been selected to receive an NSF Travel Award for the 2023 Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Summer Institute for Early-Career Faculty.